Health of the woman during different phases of her life is our first priority …. This includes both prevention and early detection or treatment, even in most severe courses of disease. All our care is guided by the priciple “tender love and care”.
– Joachim L. Gnirs
Your Health is Our Priority.
Sometimes medical support and control maybe necessary even before getting pregnant to fullfill the desire of having a baby. From the very beginning of conception it is very important to guarantee and support health both of the mother and the unborn baby, including early and later pregancy, but of course also delivery and childbirth. Modern Pre- and Perinatal Medicine, incuding all methods of fetal surveillance, have been developed to a level that has been unimaginable 30 or 40 years ago. In the same time interval the knowledge of this speciality has increased extremely. Nowadays perinatal medicine depends on methods of biophysical fetal surveillance, supportive medication. Due to these improvements of more and more complex methods of fetal surveillance and integral care and treatment during pregnancy both perinatal mortality and fetal cerebral palsy have been reduced to the half.
Our services.
Our team

Dr. Joachim L. Gnirs


Recent news
COVID-19, new customer service hours
Due to the State of Alarm declared by the Government for the management of the health crisis situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hours of our clinic have undergone modifications and become the following:
Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Christmas vacations